Saturday, January 12, 2008

POTD - Focus Into 2008 - 6

Something I seriously need to focus on is cleaning. Man, I HATE to clean. It seems five minutes after I do it someone comes and messes it all up.

This is what happend when I was playing with custom white balance and forgot when I turned my flash on. I thought it came out pretty cool.


Mandy said...

Man....your post reminded me of the pile of dishes waiting for me in the sink. Humorous yet honest photo indeed.

A little off topic, but you do you like method? I have seen it in the store and have thought about it.

pakosta said...

i hate cleaning TOO>
that's why i make my kids do it LOL!
fun to photograph it maybe make you like it a little more!

jordan.krogman said...

I had to tackle our upstairs bathroom today -- YUCK! I hate cleaning, too, but I also REALLY Like things to be organized. I wish I had a maid to do the serious dirty stuff, and I could just focus on arranging things! ;) lol

April Michelle said...

cleaning ---- you do that? lol just kidding, i do too.

Sharon said...

I like the blue cast!

Michelle said...

cleaning? isn't that what i made that list of chores for the kids for? haha! love that second one--very cool unintended effect.

Toni said...

Dont you just love target? lol... I hate cleaning also. TOni

mel said...

i know what you mean... i can't get one room done and it's being messed up. oh well. the blue is fun!

Kristi said...

THIS is the story of my life...and I only have ONE boy. Although 4 would just be a DREAM!!! Yums will seriously come behind me and take each toy I put away RIGHT back off the shelf. GRRRRR.

Sara said...

I hate to clean too. I am incredibly creative in coming up with lots of ways to avoid it!

Tomboymama said...

Yes, we spent most of the day catching up on cleaning and we still didn't finish! It never ends!

Margaret said...

Cleaning - Yuck! But I love your shots! It's frustrating to clean and then have it messed up again in just a few nanoseconds isn't it?

amazing grace said...

i love that method stuff---they have some great 'smells...' :)

Tori said...

I'm with you on this one... I despise cleaning!

Becky said...

That IS cool. Add me to the list of people who hate cleaning.

Val said...

I feel you on the hate cleaning thing.