My little man got his shots yesterday. I hate shots so much. I can't wait until this part of his life is over. (On another note my 4 year old got his flu shot and didn't cry a bit. I bribed him with Mac-N-Cheese LOL)
Manual - ISO 200 - F/5.6 - SS 100
Manual - ISO 200 - F/5.6 - SS 100
And a vanilla PS action (can't remember the exact name of it)
I like the tilt, and the chubby little cute baby legs.
Cutie...poor little boo boos! Nice tilt to, I like it!
I agree, love the tilt. Poor M, I hope his legs feel better now
Poor baby :( The band-aids are too cute though!!
I took a shot of this of my DS when he got his shots and to this day, one of my favorite photos of him. It just shows how brave he was and those bandaids are hiding his battle wounds:)
I like this in BnW...very storytelling and timeless. Being a scrapbooker, now I'm yearning to scrap that pic!!
This is so cute...I never thought to take a pic like this when my little guy had his shots...hopefully with the next one (someday) I'll remember...I love the tilt/composition...
Oh hope he feels better! Great thing to document though! I have a photo similar to this when my dd was very is the shot on her arm though!
like the angle of this shot....poor little guy !!!
Poor baby! I hate those shots. I love how great of a focus you got on the snoopy characters.
Awww, we all hate those band-aid days. I hope he's feeling better today. I like the comp on this!
Yeah, gotta love those chubby little legs. Why are they so cute on just babies? LOL
aw man i can't see it...will come back later!
What cute little legs with Band-Aids. I hated when my kids had to get shots as well. Not fun, but you captured the event nicely.
poor guy! My son is 4 and STILL hates having to get shots!
How cute are his cubby little legs. Nice angle
oh, i remember the day of the dreaded shots! poor baby! love the bandaids. :)
love those chubby little legs!!
Love the action you used. Hope those owies feel better soon!
Those chubby little legs look so cute and squeezable! I like the angle.
Poor little guy. My kids are much older, but I always hated the shot visits, too. I always had to look the other way.
Oh I could make a snack on those thighs!
awww, so cute. Wish I had taken photo of my boys like this, love the tilt of the photo :)
that is one GREAT shot!
LOVE The chubby legs!
poor babe!
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