Tuesday, October 23, 2007

POTD - Chores I hate

While I love my children more than anything in this world, I hate car line at school. The baby and I get to the elementary school at 1:45. We pick up the preschooler at 2:10 and then the 4th grader at 2:35. Then we head over to the middle school where we get the 6th grader at 3:00. But this is my Mommy job, so I try to embrace it with all of the love I can!

Waiting in line at the middle school.

Austin - 4th grade

Alex - Preschool

Maddox - the baby :-)


Lorrie said...

cute pictures. Love how you captured the every day ho hum of motherhood. I too DESPISE the car line and I only have 1 dd. It takes me about 10 minutes to drop her off in the morning (not including drive time) and 20 to pick her up each day.. UGH!!

Tori said...

Wow... I'd hate that chore too! I used to be a teacher, and I hated car line too... but from the other aspect of it! :) I like how your kids are all reading while they wait... very cool!

Ashley Hiskes said...

Thanks ladies!
Tori, what you can't really see is my 4 year old is reading the Fisher Price catalog. LOL

Erika said...

Oooh yeah, I hate that too, luckily we live close to school so I walk and try to avoid that line at all costs. Cute shots of them waiting!!

Jess said...

Ooh.. I hate waiting in the car line too! It's the worst! I especially hate the people who think they need to come to the school and PARK for a whole hour before school is out! :cO

Your kiddos are TOO TOO cute! I have an Austin too, but mine is 11 (and a half!). Maddox is absolutely ADORABLE, I just want to pinch those chubby cheekies! ;c)