Thursday, January 24, 2008

POTD - Words - Jan 25, 2008

I finally got my fake flooring together. I LOVE IT! I just wish my little guy would sit still for more than 2 seconds. LOL

Here is my theme picture - he is "reading" words. LOL

Here is my because he's so cute picture. I hate that I cut the toes off.

NICE CC wanted. LOL

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

POTD - Words - Jan 23, 2008

Here are a few pictures with my new lens. I got the Canon 50mm f/1.8.
The second picture sticks with the theme. And the words are SO true. ;-)

Both pictures are -
ISO 400, SS 1/125, F/1.8

CC wanted, but please be nice. LOL

Monday, January 21, 2008

POTD - Words - Jan 22, 2008

I took all of last week off. Between snow, sick kids, kids being out of school, and me being tired I just didn't make it here LOL. Hopefully things are starting to calm down, but they are calling for ice in the morning. When is the first day of spring?!?! LOL
For the theme of words I took a picture of my phone. (It has words on it! LOL) I LOVE my Blackberry. Not only is it the coolest phone I have ever had, but I love it because of the awesome deal I got on it. It is a $200 phone and I got it for $50. It was a refurbished phone, but it works great for me.

For both pictures -

ISO 400, F-stop f/5.6, SS 1/125

I like this picture best, but I didn't know the screen was so dirty. LOL

So here is try number 2.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

POTD - Before & After PS - 1/16

When I picked my son up from pre-school his teacher said to me "Today when we were making Snowmen in class Alex told us that the Snowmen where hats just like Slash." Guess that is what happens when your brother is 5 years older than you. :0)
For those who don't know Slash is from the rock band Guns-N-Roses. My 9 year old plays as him on guitar hero.


2. retro wash & texture (along w/ curves & USM)

Monday, January 14, 2008

POTD - Before & After PS - 1/15

I love the action that Kristi shared with us yesterday!!! Thanks once agian.

Before -

After -

Sunday, January 13, 2008

POTD - Before & After PS - 1/14

Did a Valentines Day shoot with my 15 month old. The only way to get him to sit still was to give him a lollipop. Boy do I miss the days when he would just stay where I put him. LOL Anyway, I looked at Target for the famous $1 heart lollipop but they were out. Thankfully I still had one from Christmas.

Before -

After -

Just did a little play in Curves, USM, and some Lightness and Contrast (I think that is right! LOL)

Saturday, January 12, 2008

POTD - Focus Into 2008 - 6

Something I seriously need to focus on is cleaning. Man, I HATE to clean. It seems five minutes after I do it someone comes and messes it all up.

This is what happend when I was playing with custom white balance and forgot when I turned my flash on. I thought it came out pretty cool.

POTD - Focus Into 2008 - 5

I need to focus more time on my son's and less on the computer.
My 4 year old came to me the other night and asked if we could have a tea party. Having no girls around I had to come up with our own tea party set. Let me tell you - it was the best tea party I ever went to!!!

Not a perfect picture I know, but it's the memory that makes it perfect for me :o)

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

POTD - Focus Into 2008 - 4

My son focused in on his video game.

ISO - 400 F/5.6 SS 1/100

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

POTD - Focus Into 2008 - 3

I want to focus more on healthy eating and less on junk food.

ISO 100 - F/5 - SS - 200
Flash used

Monday, January 7, 2008

POTD - Focus Into 2008 - 2

I will focus on being a better Mom and not let him eat so much dirt!
Seriously, I was doing the aperture lesson and not paying him as much attention as I should have been and found this dirty face when I was done. I think he got his 1 pound of dirt all in today. :-)

Settings -
ISO - 100, SS 1/100, F/5

Sunday, January 6, 2008

POTD - Focus Into 2008

Just my 3rd little guy. LOL We were playing in his room with some wonderful morning sun. I just wish there would have been a bit more. LOL

ISO - 400, SS - 1/100, F/5.6

ISO - 200, SS - 1/100, F/5.6
Both pictures have a bump in curves and a little playing with brightness and contrast.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

POTD - White Balance

I did some playing with the white balance settings on my camera. Tomorrow - custom! LOL

ISO - 100, SS - 1/200, F/5.6 - Flash used
White balance - Tungsten

same settings as above, but white balance flash

And as a side note, I can't wait for some spring outside pictures!!!

Friday, January 4, 2008

POTD - Hats off to the New Year

Santa is tired! His hat is off until December.
Hope you had a wonderful Holiday season. :0)

One of my goals this year is working w/ the flash. Not thrilled with this, but it will do.
ISO - 100, SS - 1/200, F/5.6

Thursday, January 3, 2008

POTD - Poor Baby

My little man got his shots yesterday. I hate shots so much. I can't wait until this part of his life is over. (On another note my 4 year old got his flu shot and didn't cry a bit. I bribed him with Mac-N-Cheese LOL)

Manual - ISO 200 - F/5.6 - SS 100
And a vanilla PS action (can't remember the exact name of it)

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

POTD - Another Hats Off

Darth Alex
Originally uploaded by Ashley Hiskes

Well can I use a helmet instead of a hat? LOL
Getting a picture of this Darth Vader mask was not an easy thing to do. Just another thing for me to work on this year. This was taken in all natural light.

Ok, the settings - ISO 400, f 5.6, SS 100

Winter baby

Setting for both images are...
Manual mode - ISO 100 - SS 1/125 - f/5.6
(I hope I posted this right. I have never posted my settings before.)

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Toy Story

Toy Story has been a staple in our house since it's debut back in 1995. My first son, who was born in 95, loved it so much. Now it is my 3rd sons turn. We were excited to learn that they are now working on a Toy Story 3 movie. It will be out just in time for my 4th son's first movie! Here is #4 (we call him Maddox around here. LOL) playing with Woody.