Thursday, October 16, 2008

My little man learned how to drive his Power Wheel over the weekend. Oh you should see it. He is SO proud of himself. Now Daddy wants to get him a big boy one. I think we might wait until spring time for that though.
And here is my Andrew. He looks SO good in this picture. In case you didn't know he has a thyroid disorder. Since he's been medication he has lost about 40 lbs and gotten SO much energy. This picture makes me want to cry tears of joy!!!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Trick Or Treat!

Halloween is fast approaching my house! We can't wait. Last year Alex was Buzz Lightyear, so this year I had to get Maddox a matching Woody costume. So yes, I did buy a costume just for pictures. LOL And I bribed Alex into letting me re-do his Buzz Lightyear pictures.

My little Woody.

Buzz Lightyear

He is 2!

Yes, the baby is 2 already! How in the world did that happen? I was so sad about it the day before he turned 2, but on his actual birthday we had a lot of fun! He is and always will be my baby, only now he gets into a bit more trouble. LOL

These cookie pops were the BEST tasting cookies I have ever had!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

That time of year...

The big boys start back to school next week. I went ahead and did their school pictures.

Andrew is going to be in the 7th grade this year. His 13th birthday is in 2 weeks!

Austin is going into the 5th grade. He is 10 years old. This year he is going out for student council.

Alex will be 5 next week! While most of his friends are heading off to kindergarten we are keeping him home for an extra year.

Where is Maddox? Hey, when was the last time you got an almost 2 year old to sit still?!?!?

Thursday, July 24, 2008


Maddox - 21 months

Alex - 4 years Austin - 10 years

Andrew - 12 years

Sunday, June 8, 2008

These pictures are a bit blurry, but I still love them to death!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


What a beautiful day today! When we got home from school I took the boys outside to play in the sprinkler. Here are just a couple of pictures I got of Alex. You can see more on my Flickr.